Norge Holm Map V 1.2

norgeholm-2015 (1)

norgeholm-2015 (2)


* Beet cutter added to the cow pasture. If vehicles / equipment are at the feeding trough of the cows, please enable before the update only, since the beet Schneider get there. * The new placement of the WoolPaletteCollector there was at the unloading point one flaw, which has now been corrected. If wool pallets are already on WoolPaletteCollector, please vacate the pre-upgrade only – otherwise, errors may occur. * Meadow between the house aligned with the sheep pasture and field 38. * The manure storage at the chicken and beef finishing the Abladetextur slightly shifted to the left, and this has now been fixed. * Conveyor broiler diets also emptied the garbage heap of cattle fattening – fixed. * New feed allocation in broiler diets because it makes all the more sense. * Fence located behind the chicken fattening facility.

Schweinemast: Marhu, Mannie313
WoolPaletteCollector: Marhu
SeedMaster2k15: Marhu, Framer_Andy (Andy1978), Weisser
Seed2Fix: Marhu, Weisser
WaterMod: Marhu
Gülle-Mist-Kalk-Mod: TMT, Marhu, -Kolbenfresser-, Hatzfan
Gülle-Lager: Framer_Andy (Andy1978)
Kompostierwerk: Framer_Andy (Andy1978)
Förderband Holzschnitzel: Mariodiek
Förderbänder: Leos50
Bodentextur: ZeFir_POLAND
Ballenlager: Shakari
Saatgutlager: mkausen
Multifruid: upsidedown
Gründünger-Mod: upsidedown
Klee Luzerne: bgo1973
ChoppedStraw: webalizer
Kalk-Silo: RC-Devil
DisplayOverview: Blacky_BPG, HappyLooser
Milchtrigger: Marhu
Stutzen: Marhu
Mapsiloband: Marhu
Digitale Anzeige: Nils23, Blacky_BPG, lappyBauer, dtmaster
Metzgerei: Pandahma, (Urmodder – möchtegernbauer)
Gülle-Mist-Ankauf: Zatoxx
EDEKA: Giants, Mark44
Pferdehof: Aerocool, GE-Mapping, SG-1
Forgotten Plants Landscape Texturen: Eribus
Hühnermast: Framer_Andy (Andy1978)
Stallgebäude Pferdehof: Rene248
Rübenschneider: Marhu / Funky


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