FS 2015 Better Steering With The Keyboard V 1.7
Although I have a steering wheel, but almost always play with the keyboard. On winding roads, I am again and again landed in the ditch in front of nights or power poles.
Now I have invented this script. It varies depending on the speed, the steering speed, the return speed (autoRotateBackSpeed) and the maximum steering angle. It also turns the camera to match the Lenkeinschlag.Beide functions can also be off again, with the following keys:
ksmCAMERA [Shift Left + C]: Moving Camera on / off, default is on
ksmENABLE [Shift Left + E]: Adaptive steering on / off, default is on
ksmREVERSE [Shift Left + R]: Look backwards on / off, default is on
ksmPLUS [Ctrl + E Links]: increase sensitivity
ksmMINUS [Ctrl + C Links]: lower sensitivity
ksmUP, ksmDOWN, ksmLEFT, ksmRIGHT [Shift Left + Cursor]: look forward, backwards, left right
Mogli aka biedens