FS 17 NLD Helmer MAN 8×8 Heavy v1.0

Original MAN model by Giants from LS15.
I really don’t know who was the original modder for LS15 8×8 version, but it was certainly copied a lot after that.
Anyway; thanks to the original modder.

Converted to LS17 by SETKA

Doors and windows can be opened

Modded by Pummelboer;
-Changed to “A.Helmer” texture (thanks to NLD-farmers)
-Variable tyres; standard trucktyres or wide tires
-Variable engine configuration

“Convoi Exceptionnel” sign can be sitched on/off
“A.Helmer” tekst sign can be switched on/off

Crane has can attach to most types of tools and implements:
cutter, cutterHarvester, frontloader, wheelloader, skidSteer, telehandler, trailer, implement

So most things which are bougth at the shop can be picked op with the crane.

Have fun

And if you wan’t to re-use it, please don’t forget to mention the other modders who worked on this.


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