Drive Control V 1.01


Manual engine start:
Vehicles by pressing – and hold for a moment – the Enter key to start. The engine remains on when leaving the vehicle. It can be driven off after THEREFORE re-boarding immediately.

The engine status can be read in the HUD right above next to the speed: the red battery icon indicates a engine off, the yellow Vorglühsymbol Appears while the button behavior of the Enter key at . startup and dark display running the engine

turning circuit / Shuttle Mod:
You can not drive by kicking the brake backwards now. The current direction is shown as a green arrow at the top left of the speed in the HUD. Pressing the space bar can be switched in between forward and reverse.

As a special shuttle can the module on and off in the game for individual vehicles. For this one must hold down the spacebar a little longer and then immediately Extended gets back to normal operation. When disabled Wendeschaltung no arrow is Displayed.

Throttle / gear limiter:
The two limiters of driveConrol mods are combined in one module. They are at the bottom left (throttle limiter) or bottom right (gear lock) shown by the speedometer.

The throttle limiter does just that: it takes away more or less a lot of gas. Ran thus, this limiter is Mainly for roadtrips, maneuvering, front loader and trailer work.

This limiter to set in between 0% (almost no gas available) and 100% (normal driving) while holding the left shift key and the arrow keys up / down one. No, the camera does not move with a result.

Script: upsidedown
Artwork: eribus


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